Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 Tag

Those concerned about becoming a cybersecurity headline will do well to dwell on orchestration. Writing for our Cybersecurity Awareness Month coverage, Vibin Shaju, VP Solutions Engineering EMEA, Trellix, says it is the quickest route to a safer environment. The headlines are plentiful, as are their numbers...

James Gerber, CFO of SimSpace, unpacks why organisations should take a ‘train-to-failure’ approach to prepare for their worst day in cyber, for our Cybersecurity Awareness Month coverage. We are in an undeclared cyber war. Recent geopolitical unease has ushered in the first hybrid war, incorporating espionage,...

We’re kicking off Cybersecurity Awareness Month with a closer look at privileged access management, by John Hathaway, Regional Vice President, iMETA at BeyondTrust. IBM’s 2023 edition of its Cost of a Data Breach report puts the Middle East’s average at US$8 million, which is almost double...


“Forecasting MENA Cybersecurity major threats”

The year 2023 witnessed a significant escalation in cybersecurity threats, marked by a surge in sophisticated and targeted attacks across various industries. According to a cybersecurity report by IBM, the average cost of a data breach in the Middle East is $6.93 million. This is significantly higher than the global average of $4.24 million per incident.Threat actors have continued to evolve their tactics, techniques, and procedures, exploiting vulnerabilities in both technology and human behavior. To address these challenges effectively, companies must embrace innovative strategies and tools to anticipate, manage, and mitigate cyber risks.

3novex CISO Series aims to bring together CISOs and key-players from reputable organisations to present and discuss the current risks and trends in cybersecurity process to keep your business resilient in 2024. Join us to learn case studies from exclusive organisations, upskill yourself through our customized content, and network with global trendsetters across industries.


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