3rd Edition of HR World Summit explores technological innovation in the workplace

3rd Edition of HR World Summit explores technological innovation in the workplace

The HR World Summit will be held on the 15th of February in Saudi Arabia to explore the role of technology and digital transformation in the HR landscape.

Technology and innovation are key driving forces in the Saudi Arabian human resource management landscape and the economy.

As businesses are beginning to utilise artificial intelligence within their HRM process to redefine leadership, employee development, and talent acquisition, this change is consistent with Saudi’s Vision 2030.

Vision 2030 is a game-changing plan for Saudi Arabia’s future that places a strong emphasis on building human capital and a knowledge-based economy. AI is essential in this endeavour as it provides real-time information and data-driven insights to visionary leaders. 

This means that Saudi Arabian companies can achieve Vision 2030 goals by streamlining vital operations and increasing efficiency with the integration of AI in HRM.

Visit the Summit’s website for more information on the event.