5 Pros of Managed Internal Security Service for Business

5 Pros of Managed Internal Security Service for Business

In 2022, 72% of UAE companies experienced data security incidents caused by their employees. Ransomware, hacker attacks, DDoS attacks. Internal threats – emerging from employees’ lack of knowledge – have been underestimated, until now.

After an outbreak of high-profile data breaches and corporate frauds in recent years, companies are urgently looking for ways to protect assets from internal threats.

However, there is a shortage of security experts, protective solutions are not cheap, and their implementation takes a lot of time. Fortunately, there is a simple and quick solution to the problem – internal security as a service provided by experts.

How it works:

The service-providing company takes over all the customer’s protection tasks: installing and configuring software, providing hardware (cloud) and acting as a data security analyst. The virtual expert will take on the roles of:

  • Data leak prevention
  • Security incident investigation
  • Detection of illegal actions of employees in the IT infrastructure (installation and uninstallation of unregulated software and theft of equipment)
  • Recognition of fraud signs (kickbacks, moonlighting)
  • Detection of work discipline violations, sabotage, absenteeism and other personnel security violations
  • Access rights control
  • Audit of compliance with data protection law, etc.

Acting as your digital partner in the field. the analysts working with you will provide detail-rich reports at an agreed frequency and will notify employees about events as they happen.

The virtual assistant service is bespoke, mirroring its offering for the business that requires the service.

According to the official product description, the service can supplement an information security department for smaller and medium-sized enterprises, however, can also hone in on internal issues within large-scale businesses – such as chains of offices.

5 pros of a managed security service:

  1. Fast implementation, requiring zero resources from the customer
  2. No need to purchase expensive hardware and software
  3. Uninterrupted work of the data security analyst (no holidays, dismissals, sick leaves)
  4. Professional competence of the data security analyst (work with the software for more than one year, experience in companies of different spheres and sizes).
  5. Neutrality and impartiality of the expert (an external expert does not know your employees, and therefore will not sympathize with them or cover them up).

SearchInform has been providing managed data security services since 2019, find out more about the company on its website, https://searchinform.com/.