2nd IDC Alliance to tackle ecosystem strategies

2nd IDC Alliance to tackle ecosystem strategies

As the market navigates an increasingly precarious business climate punctuated by supply chain issues, evolving compliance regulations, and economic turbulence, the channel looks set for a challenging year.

Preparing to protect your business against these market shocks while capturing customer opportunities will be the key to mastering resilience. Although the technology sector excelled during the pandemic years, the months ahead will truly test business decision-makers — both economically and strategically — as the industry seeks out opportunities and market growth.

Ecosystem strategies are increasingly being driven by the wants and needs of customers. IDC predicts that by 2025, 70% of vendors will be pursuing a customer-led ecosystem orchestration strategy.

Cooperation and expansion will occur within symbiotic ecosystem environments based on customer needs. Future ecosystems will promote connections between multiple entities, including ISVs, hyperscalers, telcos, service providers, and partners, to deliver specialized offerings that are mapped to each customer’s needs.

The second annual edition of the IDC Alliance, the premier conference for the ICT partner ecosystem, will explore the drivers and success factors for future tech ecosystems, examine the key elements that define a vibrant ecosystem, and explain how an organization can become a valued participant.

Reflecting the increasingly collaborative tech market, this two-day destination conference will bring together start-ups, cloud specialists, partners, distributors, vendors, and more, creating a unique environment for driving innovation and customer transformation across the region’s diverse ICT channel ecosystem.