UAE passport assessed to be strongest in the world

UAE passport assessed to be strongest in the world

Due to the rising prevalence of individuals attempting to get dual citizenship, new security standards haven been implemented to the UAE passport – as a result, the passport is now one of the most powerful in the world, according to the Nomad Capitalist, the highly respected global index.

Previously the UAE passport stood in the position of number 35, however as of the 3rd March 2023, the passport jumped to the number one position with a score of 110.50.

The Nomad Capitalise Passport Index was created to highlight the best citizenships in the world. “Our ratings are based not online on the basis of visa-free travel, but also on international taxation laws, global perception, dual citizenship, and personal freedom,” the company said.

The ranking of the passport is determined by five factors, and each factor is given a different score:

  1. Visa-free travel

The amount of travel available to a passport holder.

  1. Taxation of citizens

Data is collected from tax vendors, news sources and tax authorities, with the level of tax imposed on citizens dictating the score received by the passport.

  1. Global perceptions

Data is taken from the world happiness report, the human development index and subjective factors from partner networks – on a score of global perception, the UAE was given 10% in total score.

  1. Granting dual citizenship

If it is strictly forbidden to hold a dual citizenship, a country receives a score of only 10, however if an individual has complete freedom to achieve dual citizenship then the company receives a 50 score.

Essentially the freedom available, for travel and transit, dictates the score received. The UAE received a dual citizenship score of 30, meaning that United Arab Emirates citizens are often allowed to hold other citizenships but with certain restrictions.

  1. Personal freedom

Finally an individual’s personal freedom within a country, such as what can be accessed and enjoyed, is also taken into account.

The high score speaks to a high quality of life within the UAE and personal freedoms synonymous with the UAE passport.

The reputable position of the emirate document speaks to the high quality of transit available to citizens of the UAE, with travel becoming more accessible to all over 2022.

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