Demand for threat-resistant entrances grows across MENA

Demand for threat-resistant entrances grows across MENA

Bauporte Gulf has reported a growing demand for burglary resistance class, RC3 entrance systems and doors from building designers and owners across the Middle East and north Africa.

While threat-resistant doors have long been the industry standard for financial institutions worldwide, the company says a new trend is emerging where architects and designers are enquiring about RC3-rated entrance systems. And it’s not just doors seeing an upswing in demand – it notes other security features like night shutters are also more in popular.

Paul Haslam, partner at Bauporte Gulf, commented: “When you start talking about high-security doors, people often immediately think of thick steel doors with unbreakable locks. However, modern security doors are nothing like that.

“Next-generation security doors generally come in an all-glass finish so the doors look inviting and seamlessly blend into the modern all-glass entrance façades, creating that all-important first and last impression when entering or exiting a building.”

The company, a leading European entrance system and door manufacturer with its HQ in Dubai, also notes that demand is particularly high in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

“Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states are currently generating the greatest demand for automatic RC3-rated doors which could be due to a higher perceived risk in those countries,” Haslam added. “This is less the case in the UAE, where most RC3-rated door enquiries are for bank and financial institution buildings, as well as some government building work.”